Logo for Wilson Audio's 50th Anniversary

Sabrina - Wilson Audio's newest floor-standing loudspeaker

Wilson Audio's newest floor-standing loudspeaker. Sabrina is a pure distillation of the Wilson approach to speaker design. A reflection of the original WATT/Puppy, a speaker whose size belies its performance. Perhaps counter-intuitively, as our technologies become more sophisticated, so has our ability to distill the essence of great sound—so that neither size, nor simplicity of design become predictors of performance.

Announcing Wilson Audio's Newest Loudspeaker

The Alexandria XLF at RMAF

Announcing Wilson Audiophile Recordings

Duette Series-2 and Hostile Environments

Introducing Duette Series 2

The Guild

An Audiophile's Journey

I Can See Music Everywhere

Alexia - Concept To Reality

Announcing Alexia

The Choice

The Observer and the XLF

Announcing the Alexandria XLF


Modus Operandi

Music Matters at Definitive Audio, February 9, 2011

Six Rooms in Two Days

SnowGhost Music Recording Studio