Logo for Wilson Audio's 50th Anniversary

Wilson Audiophile's Music of Chopin

These words, written by Chopin after the fall of Warsaw to the Russians, seem as relevant to us in the latter part of the twentieth century as they did in 1831. Poland's struggle for freedom and dignity strikes a common chord in all of humanity, and this perhaps best explains the continuing rise of Chopin's popularity in an age which reviles romanticism. Friedrich Nietzsche spoke for many people of all nations when he was stirred to say: "I am too much of a Pole not to prefer Chopin's music to all other mus

It's About Time

Introducing Yvette

Wilson's All-new Alexx

A Classic Reborn

The Measure Of Sabrina

Duette Series 2 - Design

Alexandria XLF: Idealism and Technology

Wilson's All-new Alexx

WAMM—It's About Time

Announcing Alexx

Sabrina - Wilson Audio's newest floor-standing loudspeaker

Announcing Wilson Audio Alida

Wilson Audiophile's Music of Chopin

The Violin Bow

Musicians and Wilson Loudspeakers, Pt. 1

Winds of War and Peace and Center Stage

Sasha Series-2: Technology and Features

Sasha Series-2: The Legacy Continues